Saturday, March 7, 2020

Essay on Design Management Practice and Theory part 2Essay Writing Service

Essay on Design Management Practice and Theory part 2Essay Writing Service Essay on Design Management Practice and Theory part 2 Essay on Design Management Practice and Theory part 2Essay on Design Management Practice and Theory part  1The magazine focuses on the large audience, at the age between 16-50. In such a way, the magazine has to match needs and expectations of the large audience that is quite a challenging task to do to make it possible to attract all potential customers of the magazine. The magazine reaches the large target customer group due to the skilful and highly efficient design which is universal to the extent that it attracts men and women of different age. The magazine is attractive for the youth as well as it is attractive for the older generation. At the same time, it is not just specific items that attract diverse customers to the magazine but it is the truly universal design of the magazine and the unique lifestyle promoted and created by the magazine. In such a way, it is not just some items that attract the large audience to the magazine but it is the lifestyle which people want to follow and which they find on pages of the magazine, in its design and content.The design of Cover Magazine stresses visual effects which are crucial for editors of the magazine in terms of the maintenance of the traditional design of the magazine. Visual effects of the magazine are very important for its design. They create the impression of fashionableness and success which are distinct features of the lifestyle created and promoted by Cover Magazine (Wilson, 2006). The attractiveness of the visual effects and design of the magazine catch the attention of the audience and, when readers start reading or even looking through the magazine, they get more and more involved into the content of the magazine and consciously or not they turn into admirers of the lifestyle created by the magazine design (Dwight, 2007). This is why one of the main priorities of Cover Magazine design is the strife for presenting the best in journalism, photography and art direction.Another distinct feature of the magazine design is the high quality. The magazine design is quality oriented. The high quality of the magazine becomes obvious, when it comes to text, images and all the aesthetics. The editor of the magazine insists: â€Å"We are not indifferent to how things look. The key to our success lies among other things in our diligence and determination to continue until our magazines are a pleasure to read as well as to look in† . The magazine attempts to reach perfection in every aspect of its operations and in every element of its design, starting from the cover page and ending up in the smallest article and item presented in the magazine.The internal design was also extremely important for the magazine. The design within Cover is constantly surrounded by design in fashion, beauty lifestyle (Weber, 2006). The focus on the fashion, beauty and lifestyle implies the close interaction between these three elements which comprise the lifestyle of readers of Cover Magazine. The wo rk structure within Cover Magazine also remains stable in the course of time and the editors of the magazine are not going to change it consistently. The layout of the magazine is another distinct feature of the internal design of the magazine that remains stable and aims at the attraction of the target audience of the magazine. The internal design of Cover Magazine aims at the inspiration of the target customer group that transits from designers, editors and contributors of the magazine to its target audience.The design of the magazine aims at the creativity and innovativeness, which though emerge within the lifestyle created and promoted by the magazine. In actuality, creativity and innovations are key factors contributing to the overall success of the magazine. The focus on creativity and innovativeness contributed to the creation of the authentic lifestyle promoted by the magazine and helped the magazine to attract the large audience. Innovativeness and creativity keep attractin g the younger audience, whereas the traditional structure of the magazine maintains the loyalty of old customers.Thus, Cover Magazine has reached a considerable progress due to the development of the effective external and internal design which attracts customers, in spite of gender or age differences. Moreover, today, the magazine stays focused on the creation and promotion of the unique lifestyle which unite its customers in their strife to follow the lead of the magazine, while the magazine sets the pace for the lifestyle it has created. In this regard, the internal and external design of the magazine still plays an important part contributing to its persisting popularity among customers and to the high level of the customer loyalty. The high quality of design, its innovativeness and creativity have become the major factors contributing to its overall success.

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